Bowen can provide a good pipeline maintenance program which is essential to the safe and efficient operation of a pipeline system. Bowen Industrial Contractors provide complete internal pipeline cleaning services and extensive support services for all types of In Line Inspection services and inspections.
Over time, process residues and contaminants can build up in a pipeline, significantly impacting the efficiency and safety of pipeline operations. This results in lower flows and capacities and increased operating costs for pipeline operations. These residues and contaminates can also contribute to corrosion, reduced pipeline integrity, and increased risk.
Bowen provides pipeline pigging and In Line Inspection programs consisting of placing a mechanical cleaning tool or computerized inspection tool inside the pipeline and moving the tool through the pipeline removing internal residue build ups or performing a variety of internal examinations of the pipe to inspect for corrosion, weld integrity, stress corrosion cracking, etc.
A good pipeline maintenance pigging program can reduce these residues and contaminates and restore pipeline efficiency and reduce operating costs. An In Line Inspection program can identify potential pipeline integrity issues and allow for remediation of potential issues thereby reducing the risk of pipeline failures and risk to public safety in the communities that you operate in.