These are very powerful words to Bowen Industrial Contractors Inc., and they are the words of positive action throughout the organization. Headquartered in El Paso, Texas, and operating in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, the company has been in business for nearly half a century. Bowen employees have worked on some of the most difficult new construction and maintenance construction while ensuring ZERO injuries. Their smelter repair work has earned them respect from hundreds of contracting companies that have shared in their endeavor. Clients include a diverse mix of companies, organizations, municipalities, pipeline companies, DOT, electric utilities, phone companies, manufacturers, U.S. Customs and others. The ISMSP Platinum member is family owned and operated.
Mike Bowen is chief executive officer, Jodie Bowen-Newby is president and chief financial officer, and Dave Newby is operations president But the family relationship extends beyond management to all of Bowen’s 600 employees. That is demonstrated by providing a safe and healthy work environment and promoting a productive working relationship. Each employee is actively involved in the safe construction process, leadership, promoting and using people skills, and using knowledge to complete tasks safely and efficiently. Each is accountable and responsible for their actions, regardless of job, position or title. Bowen employees understand that the right choices lead to success. Their management knows there aren’t silver bullets or magic pills to attain success.
It is the consistent building on basic skills that enables, encourages and inspires people to accept how critical it is to follow the correct process on every job. Bowen recognizes a positive work environment impacts the attitude and performance of employees. This direction pays huge benefits to the client, company and all employees. The market has taught the Bowen Company many lessons, among them that it requires an ongoing process of change and growth to retain employees in the competitive industrial construction industry. Bowen invests in the continuous improvement and training of its people and places tremendous emphasis on quality leadership and positive attitudes in the workplace. This is reflected in the company’s 2006 safety record.

Eleven of 13 properties achieved and maintained ZERO with an overall total recordable injury rate (TRIR) of less that 1. Safety isn’t a new value at Bowen. Two of its CMSPs were among ISMSP’s founding fathers. Some of Bowen’s work groups have gone as long as 10 years without a disabling injury. Employees at one of the properties have worked more than 1.6 million hours without a disabling injury. Since 1990, Bowen Industrial Contractors has received 101 state and national safety construction awards. This speaks volumes about management’s involvement in the process and reinforces that safe construction is the “value” at Bowen. Safe construction at Bowen is not about setting records or winning awards. It is about the dedication, commitment, and involvement of every employee to go home safe and healthy every shift, every day. It’s about reaching ZERO.

Michael J. Bowen
Chief Executive Officer

Jodie Bowen-Newby

David Newby
Operations President